O site medicalnewstoday.com refere que investigadores da UCLA descobriram que a falta de Ferro num plano alimentar além de provocar problemas cognitivos pode afetar a estrutura física cerebral, especialmente se a carência se verificar na adolescência.
Iron and the proteins that transport it are critically important for brain function. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide, causing poor cognitive achievement in school-aged children. Yet later in life, iron overload is associated with damage to the brain, and abnormally high iron concentrations have been found in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington diseases.
Paulo Thompson, professor de neurologia na UCLA, refere que níveis insuficientes de Ferro nestas idades provoca a erosão das reservas existentes no cérebro que irão ser necessários na vida adulta para combater o envelhecimento e a doença de Alzeimer. Por isso é de extrema importância uma dieta equilibrada numa fase em que o cérebro ainda está em fase de maturação.
"So this is one of the deep secrets of the brain," Thompson said. "You wouldn't think the iron in our diet would affect the brain so much in our teen years. But it turns out that it matters very much. Because myelin speeds your brain's communications, and iron is vital for making myelin, poor iron levels in childhood erode your brain reserves which you need later in life to protect against aging and Alzheimer's.Iron Intake In Teen Years Can Impact Brain In Later Life
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